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The Stoics Pt 1

learning dressage riding

“Not to assume it’s impossible because you find it hard. But to recognize if it’s humanly possible, you can do it too.”

Marcus Aurelius’ – Meditations

I’ve spent my “down” time (non-horse show season) when the days are shorter, and the Midwest slowly becomes uninhabitable, studying the Stoic philosophers. The three major ancient Stoics are: Marcus Aurelius, Epictetus and Seneca.

Continue reading The Stoics Pt 1
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Is All Natural really safe?


There are a lot of products on the market making claims about their contents. One of the ones I see most frequently is all natural. The term really doesn’t mean anything from a manufacturing standpoint. Most ingredients are considered “natural” but that doesn’t mean they are healthy. Poison ivy is natural, so is arsenic. So a label claim of all natural isn’t enough to determine if a product is really the safest option for your horse. Continue reading Is All Natural really safe?