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Equine Aromatherapy: For Dressage Horses and Equine Athletes

beautiful girl with white horse

Equine aromatherapy is becoming accepted as a viable complimentary means of care, along with massage, chiropractic, acupressure, homeopathy, magnetic therapy, and therapeutic touch for horses.

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The Stoics Pt 1

learning dressage riding

“Not to assume it’s impossible because you find it hard. But to recognize if it’s humanly possible, you can do it too.”

Marcus Aurelius’ – Meditations

I’ve spent my “down” time (non-horse show season) when the days are shorter, and the Midwest slowly becomes uninhabitable, studying the Stoic philosophers. The three major ancient Stoics are: Marcus Aurelius, Epictetus and Seneca.

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Fear the Little Bay Horse: The Conclusion

the girls ride on horses

Always Learning New Things: 7 Important Life Lessons

I’ve discovered deep in my heart, that I am not a very good blogger. My entire life I’ve wanted to keep a diary or memoirs, an insightful journal filled with wit. The problem is that I am rather boring and lack the Sedaris kind of wit, so even though I wanted to keep a detailed file of my experiences at Sport Horse Nationals, I found myself walking the dogs, working the horses, enjoying the experience. Every day I stepped out of our barn, looked at the grounds and thought, “Another beautiful day in Crete.” And it was. And I was happy to be there. And I was grateful. So, I guess I had a successful show.

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